G-code | Discription | Compatible | Reason |
G0 - G1 | Linear Move | YES | |
G2 - G3 | Arc or Circle Move | NO | disable by firmware |
G4 | Dwell | YES | |
G5 | Bézier cubic spline | NO | disable by firmware |
G10 | Retract | NO | disable by firmware |
G11 | Recover | NO | disable by firmware |
G12 | Clean the Nozzle | NO | disable by firmware |
G17 - G19 | CNC Workspace Planes | NO | no hardware support |
G20 - G21 | Inch Mode | NO | disable by firmware |
G26 | Mesh Validation Pattern | NO | disable by firmware |
G27 | Park toolhead | YES | |
G28 | Auto Home | YES | |
G29 | Bilinear Bed Leveling | YES | |
G30 | Single Z probe | YES | |
G31 - G32 | Dock or undock sled | NO | no hardware support |
G33 | Delta Auto Calibration | NO | no hardware support |
G34 | Z Steppers Auto-Alignment | NO | no hardware support |
G38 | Probe target | NO | disable by firmware |
G42 | Move to mesh coordinate | YES | |
G53 - G59 | Workspace Coordinate System | NO | no hardware support |
G60 - G61 | Save position | NO | disable by firmware |
G76 | Probe temperature calibration | NO | no hardware support |
G80 | Cancel Current Motion Mode | NO | disable by firmware |
G90 | Use Absolute Coordinates | YES | |
G91 | Use Relative Coordinates | YES | |
G92 | Set current position to coordinates given | YES | |
M0 - M1 | Unconditional stop | NO | disable by firmware |
M3 - M5 | Spindle / Laser | NO | no hardware support |
M7 - M9 | Coolant Controls | NO | no hardware support |
M16 | Expected Printer Check | NO | disable by firmware |
M17 | Enable Steppers | YES | |
M18, M84 | Disable steppers | YES | |
M20 | List SD card | YES | |
M21 | Init SD card | YES | |
M22 | Release SD card | YES | |
M23 | Select SD file | YES | |
M24 | Start or Resume SD print | YES | |
M25 | Pause SD print | YES | |
M26 | Set SD position | YES | |
M27 | Report SD print status | YES | |
M28 | Start SD write | YES | |
M29 | Stop SD write | YES | |
M30 | Delete file from SD | YES | |
M31 | Print time | YES | |
M32 | Select and Start | YES | |
M33 | Get Long Path | YES | |
M34 | SDCard Sorting | NO | disable by firmware |
M42 | Set Pin State | YES | |
M43 | Display pin status | YES | |
M48 | Probe Accuracy Test | NO | disable by firmware |
M73 | Set Print Progress | YES | |
M75 | Start the print job timer | YES | |
M76 | Pause the print job timer | YES | |
M77 | Stop the print job timer | YES | |
M78 | Print Job Stats | YES | |
M80 | Power On | NO | no hardware support |
M81 | Power Off | YES | |
M82 | E Absolute | YES | |
M83 | E Relative | YES | |
M85 | Inactivity Shutdown | YES | |
M92 | Set Axis Steps-per-unit | YES | |
M100 | Free Memory | NO | disable by firmware |
M104 | Set Hotend Temperature | YES | |
M105 | Report Temperatures | YES | |
M106 | Set Fan Speed | YES | |
M107 | Fan Off | YES | |
M108 | Break and Continue | YES | |
M109 | Wait for Hotend Temperature | YES | |
M110 | Set Line Number | YES | |
M111 | Debug Level | YES | |
M112 | Emergency Stop | YES | |
M113 | Host Keepalive | YES | |
M114 | Get Current Position | YES | |
M115 | Firmware Info | YES | |
M117 | Set LCD Message | NO | not support by WTDGUS GUI |
M118 | Serial print | YES | |
M119 | Endstop States | YES | |
M120 | Enable Endstops | YES | |
M121 | Disable Endstops | YES | |
M122 | TMC Debugging | NO | no hardware support |
M125 | Park Head | NO | disable by firmware |
M126 - M129 | Baricuda | NO | no hardware support |
M140 | Set Bed Temperature | YES | |
M141 | Set Chamber Temperature | NO | no hardware support |
M145 | Set Material Preset | NO | replaced by WTDGUS GUI function |
M149 | Set Temperature Units | NO | disable by firmware |
M150 | Set RGB(W) Color | NO | no hardware support |
M155 | Temperature Auto-Report | YES | |
M163 - M166 | Mix Factor | NO | no hardware support |
M190 | Wait for Bed Temperature | YES | |
M200 | Set Filament Diameter | NO | disable by firmware |
M201 | Set Print Max Acceleration | YES | |
M203 | Set Max Feedrate | YES | |
M204 | Set Starting Acceleration | YES | |
M205 | Set Advanced Settings | YES | |
M206 | Set Home Offsets | YES | |
M207 | Set Firmware Retraction | NO | disable by firmware |
M208 | Firmware Recover | NO | disable by firmware |
M209 | Set Auto Retract | NO | disable by firmware |
M211 | Software Endstops | YES | |
M217 | Filament swap parameters | YES | |
M218 | Set Hotend Offset | YES | |
M220 | Set Feedrate Percentage | YES | |
M221 | Set Flow Percentage | YES | |
M226 | Wait for Pin State | YES | |
M240 | Trigger Camera | NO | no hardware support |
M250 | LCD Contrast | NO | no hardware support |
M260 - M261 | i2c | NO | no hardware support |
M280 - M281 | servo | NO | no hardware support |
M290 | Babystep | YES | |
M300 | Play Tone | NO | no hardware support |
M301 | Set Hotend PID | YES | |
M302 | Cold Extrude | YES | |
M303 | PID autotune | YES | |
M304 | Set Bed PID | NO | disable by firmware |
M305 | User Thermistor Parameters | NO | disable by firmware |
M350 | Set micro-stepping | NO | no hardware support |
M351 | Set Microstep Pins | NO | no hardware support |
M355 | Case Light Control | NO | no hardware support |
M380 - M381 | solenoid | NO | no hardware support |
M400 | Finish Moves | YES | |
M401 | Deploy Probe | NO | no hardware support |
M402 | Stow Probe | NO | no hardware support |
M403 | MMU2 Filament Type | NO | disable by firmware |
M404 - M407 | Filament Width Sensor | NO | no hardware support |
M410 | Quickstop | YES | |
M412 | Filament Runout | YES | |
M413 | Power-loss Recovery | YES | |
M420 | Bed Leveling State | YES | |
M421 | Set Mesh Value | YES | |
M422 | Set Z Motor XY | NO | disable by firmware |
M425 | Backlash compensation | NO | disable by firmware |
M428 | Home Offsets Here | YES | |
M486 | Cancel Objects | NO | disable by firmware |
M500 | Save Settings | YES | |
M501 | Restore Settings | YES | |
M502 | Factory Reset | YES | |
M503 | Report Settings | YES | |
M504 | Validate EEPROM contents | YES | |
M524 | Abort SD print | YES | |
M540 | Endstops Abort SD | NO | disable by firmware |
M569 | Set TMC stepping mode | NO | no hardware support |
M600 | Filament Change | NO | replaced by WTDGUS GUI function |
M603 | Configure Filament Change | NO | replaced by WTDGUS GUI function |
M605 | Dual Nozzle Mode | YES | |
M665 | Delta Configuration | NO | no hardware support |
M666 | Set Delta endstop adjustments | NO | no hardware support |
M672 | Test Speed Warning | NO | no hardware support |
M701 | Load filament | NO | replaced by WTDGUS GUI function |
M702 | Unload filament | NO | replaced by WTDGUS GUI function |
M810-M819 | G-code macros | NO | disable by firmware |
M851 | XYZ Probe Offset | YES | |
M852 | Bed Skew Compensation | NO | disable by firmware |
M860 - M869 | I2C Position Encoders | NO | no hardware support |
M871 | Probe temperature config | NO | disable by firmware |
M876 | Handle Prompt Response | NO | disable by firmware |
M900 | Linear Advance Factor | NO | disable by firmware |
M906 - M918 | TMC Motor | NO | no hardware support |
M951 | Magnetic Parking Extruder | NO | no hardware support |
T0-T1 | Select Tool | YES |